by CarrieAnne Barry | Dec 8, 2023 | Blog, Hubs, Maynooth, News
This Sunday at 14:00 GST, RES4CITY project coordinator, Prof. Fabiano Pallonetto has been invited to speak at COP28 UAE, at the United in Science event hosted by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
United in Science 2023 is a multi-agency UN report that highlights the crucial, yet often under-recognised and under-utilised, role weather, climate and water-related sciences play in achieving the SDGs.
The overall theme of the event will highlight the role of weather, climate, water and environmental sciences in achieving the SDGs and opportunities across the science-policy-society interface to accelerate action.
Fabiano’s panel discussion involves leveraging synergies to achieve the shared goals of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Fabiano will highlight how education and achieving synergies across the science-policy-society interface, are key to achieving the shared goals of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Be sure to tune in at 14:00 (Gulf Standard Time) on Sunday 10-Dec at https://lnkd.in/eK3a8e7J or in-person at the #cop28 #SDGPavilion, Blue Zone.
We are pleased to invite you to an insightful and inspiring event that will explore the important topic of data bias from a gender perspective.
We will start with a drop-in breakfast at 08:00, followed by a presentation given by our data analyst and colleague Ema Krcic.
Ema is a dedicated advocate for gender equality in the tech industry and the founder of the student association ADA at Halmstad University, a remarkable organization dedicated to empowering female engineers. Her commitment to promoting gender equality in the technology industry was recognized in 2021 when she was awarded the prize “Women who are good role models in Halland.” Her dedication is further evident in her active participation in WiTEC, where she continues her mission to empower women engineers.
During the presentation, Ema will highlight how our world, often constructed by and for men, systematically overlooks and neglects the needs and experiences of half the population – women. Using a wide range of case studies, stories and new research from around the world, Ema will reveal the hidden ways in which women are often forgotten in various areas of society and the potentially negative consequences this can have for us all.
This is a physical event, please reserve your spot before 12.12.2023 here:
We hope you will join us to learn, discuss and explore how we can make our world more inclusive for all.
We are delighted to announce that RES4CITY partner, Mattia De Rosa of Università degli Studi di Genova, has been invited to take part in a COP28 UAE event on 8th December at 10am CET.
The CoP Climate Classroom (https://www.uncclearn.org/un-cclearn-at-cop28-of-the-unfccc/) is a series of free online classes that introduce learners to a range of climate change topics in an interactive online environment. Register for Mattia’s session “Upskilling for Decarbonisation” at https://uncclearn-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqcuCppz8iE90cK9JyNNcudraiyWhbSs07#/registration.
This session will explore how citizens and businesses can be equipped with the knowledge and skills to prepare for the green transition.
All good things come to an end, and this week saw the culmination of the METIS project that began in 2019. With 18 partners from a number of European countries, the consortium worked tirelessly to address the skills shortage to enable the competitiveness of the European microelectronics sector.
The consortium gathered in Brussels with presentations from partners on the key results from the project, and they are impressive! There is a lot more to delve into, but the headline figures are 88 courses with over 150 organizations involved in testing.
The effects of the project will continue to be felt in the future, and we bring to your attention, the European Chips Skills Academy, which acts as a successor to METIS and aims to bridge the gap between education, training, and industry to tackle Europe’s skills and talent shortages. Many of our members will be a part of the new Academy so stay tuned for information!
Learn about METIS4Skills https://www.metis4skills.eu/
När: Fredag den 24/11, drop-in, 16:00-19:00
Var: Riverton lounge, Stora Badhusgatan 26, Göteborg
- ta reda på hur vi stödjer tjejer och kvinnor inom mansdominerade branscher
- nätverka med likasinnade inom tech-intensiva branscher
- ta reda på det senaste från de fantastiska EU-projekten vi bidrar till: inom mikroelektronik METIS och hållbara städer RES4CITY
- var bland de första som får reda på det nyaste och spännande projektet som sätter igång 2024
- stödja oss genom att bli medlem
Anmäl dig här: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mingel-med-oss-pa-witec-sweden-biljetter-761027001247?aff=oddtdtcreator
Insiktsfullt och inspirerande event som utforskar det viktiga ämnet databias utifrån ett könsperspektiv.
Vi har glädjen att bjuda in dig till en insiktsfull och inspirerande event som kommer att utforska det viktiga ämnet databias utifrån ett könsperspektiv.
Presentationen kommer att hållas av vår datanalyst och kollega Ema, som inte bara brinner för detta ämne utan även är en hängiven förespråkare för könsjämlikhet inom teknikindustrin. Presentationen är baserad på den uppmärksammade boken “Invisible Women: Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men” av Caroline Criado Perez.
Plats: Devoteam, Brogatan 3, 302 42 Halmstad
16:30 - 16:45: Nätverkande med tilltugg och drycker
16:45 - 17:30: Keynote Presentation av Ema
17:30 - 18:00: Diskussioner och öppen dialog om ämnet
Ema är grundaren av studentföreningen ADA vid Högskolan i Halmstad, en bemärkelsesvärd organisation dedikerad till att stärka kvinnliga ingenjörer. Hennes engagemang för att främja könsjämlikhet inom teknikindustrin erkändes 2021 när hon tilldelades priset “Kvinnor som är bra förebilder i Halland.” Hennes hängivenhet är vidare tydlig i hennes aktiva deltagande i WiTEC, där hon fortsätter sin mission att stärka kvinnliga ingenjörer.
Under presentation kommer Ema att belysa hur vår värld, ofta konstruerad av och för män, systematiskt förbiser och försummar behoven och erfarenheterna hos hälften av befolkningen - kvinnor. Genom att använda ett brett utbud av fallstudier, berättelser och ny forskning från hela världen kommer Ema att avslöja de dolda sätten på vilka kvinnor ofta glöms bort inom olika samhällsområden och de potentiellt negativa konsekvenser detta kan ha för oss alla.
Detta är en möjlighet att lära, diskutera och gemensamt utforska hur vi kan göra vår värld rättvisare och mer inkluderande för alla. Vi ser fram emot att ha dig med oss den 24:e oktober och förväntar oss en berikande kväll av reflektion och diskussioner.
Vänligen bekräfta din närvaro senast den 20:e oktober.
Anmäl dig här: https://www.eventbrite.se/e/osynliga-kvinnor-avslojande-av-databias-i-en-varld-anpassad-for-man-biljetter-731195654887?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Vill du göra skillnad för tjejer inom naturvetenskap, teknik och matematik?
Är du en engagerad utbildare med en dokumenterad meritlista när det gäller att vårda unga sinnen och göra en bestående inverkan på nästa generation?
I så fall har vi en spännande möjlighet för dig!
Vi ligger nu i spetsen för ett nytt ambitiöst europeiskt projekt med flera partners från olika länder. Som projektledare kommer du att spela en avgörande roll för att säkerställa framgången för detta samarbetsprojekt som arbetar med STEM-aktiviteter i skolor samt leder den första europeiska “STE(A)M week for future women innovators”. Detta Pilot-evenemanget som du organiserar kommer att erbjuda kulturella och kreativa aktiviteter för ungdomar 11-18 år och det förväntas samla minst 4000 studenter i STEM från hela EU. Skräddarsydda aktiviteter för tjejer kommer garantera deras höga deltagande i STEAM-veckan.
Vad vi letar efter:
- Erfarenhet inom utbildning, gärna av unga elever.
- Dokumenterad erfarenhet av projektledning eller ett relaterat fält.
- Stark organisatorisk förmåga och ett strukturerat förhållningssätt till projektledning.
- Enastående kommunikationsförmåga på engelska.
- Kulturell medvetenhet och förmåga att arbeta effektivt med internationella partners.
- Problemlösningstänk och anpassningsförmåga till förändrad projektdynamik.
Information om positionen:
Denna position erbjuder flexibilitet, från 25% till 75%, beroende på kandidatens erfarenhet och tillgänglighet. Kontraktet löper på 3 år, mellan januari 2024 och december 2026.
Vi ser fram emot att få din ansökan till info@witec.se senast den 25 Oktober 2023
We are delighted to invite you to attend the EU Digital Future Forum Webinar, taking place on November 6, at 9am CET. The webinar will feature speakers not only from METIS but also from other EU-funded projects in the industry – HiCONNECTS, IMOCO4.E and ECoVEM.
Europe lies at a crossroads with regards to the Microelectronics sector, it is imperative to ensure that the EU continues to be an attractive investment destination for the sector. The passage of the EU Chips Act was a seminal moment highlighting the efforts going forward to promote Microelectronics.
Whether addressing the skills shortage in the EU, or developing the next generation of electronic components and systems heterogeneous integration core technology solutions, collaborations between cross-functional partners all across the continent are crucial in taking the industry to the next level.
Join us on November 6 as Laurence Dassas from X-FAB, Yvonne Bergmann from Bosch, and Dominik Zupan and Bernd Deutschmann from TU Graz speak about some of these issues.
You can find information on the webinar and registration here.
Vi skulle vilja presentera dig för METIS-projektet och bjuda in dig att stödja vår kostnadsfria utbildningskatalog.
METIS fokuserar på att identifiera de mest nödvändiga men svåra att hitta eller saknade färdigheterna och relaterade jobbprofiler inom mikroelektroniksektorn genom att utveckla sektorskompetensen. På grundval av denna strategi utvecklade METIS partners en lämplig katalog med kostnadsfria utbildningar för att ta itu med kompetensklyftorna inom mikroelektroniksektorn. Dessa utbildningar är speciellt utformade för att ge specifik fortbildning inom kritiska områden inom mikroelektronik.
Hjälp till att överbrygga talangklyftan genom att stödja METIS Catalogue of Training!
Vänligen bocka i detta formuläret för underteckna vårt stödbrev ✒ HÄR
Du kan hitta ytterligare information om METIS (MicroElectronics Training, Industry and Skills) EU-finansierade Erasmus+-projektet inklusive vår föregående analys av kompetensgapet i EU:s mikroelektronikekosystem på vår webbplats: www.metis4skills.eu
De viktigaste resultaten av METIS-projektet är:
• Katalog över utbildningar: https://www.metis4skills.eu/modules/
• En EU-omfattande databas med mer än 100 relevanta utbildningar: https://skills-framework.eu/
Vidare i vårt senaste webbseminarium visade vi METIS-katalogen med utbildningar, verkliga framgångsberättelser från utbildnings- och utbildningsleverantörer och de långsiktiga möjligheter som METIS-resurser erbjuder. Du kan komma åt webbinariets inspelning här: https://vimeo.com/831518632
Låt oss tillsammans skapa en mer konkurrenskraftig och välmående framtid för mikroelektronik i Europa!
Vänliga hälsningar,
WiTEC Sverige på uppdrag av METIS-konsortiet
Insiktsfullt och inspirerande event som utforskar det viktiga ämnet databias utifrån ett könsperspektiv.
Vi har glädjen att bjuda in dig till en insiktsfull och inspirerande event som kommer att utforska det viktiga ämnet databias utifrån ett könsperspektiv.
Presentationen kommer att hållas av vår datanalyst och kollega Ema, som inte bara brinner för detta ämne utan även är en hängiven förespråkare för könsjämlikhet inom teknikindustrin. Presentationen är baserad på den uppmärksammade boken “Invisible Women: Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men” av Caroline Criado Perez.
Plats: Devoteam, Brogatan 3, 302 42 Halmstad
16:30 - 16:45: Nätverkande med tilltugg och drycker
16:45 - 17:30: Keynote Presentation av Ema
17:30 - 18:00: Diskussioner och öppen dialog om ämnet
Ema är grundaren av studentföreningen ADA vid Högskolan i Halmstad, en bemärkelsesvärd organisation dedikerad till att stärka kvinnliga ingenjörer. Hennes engagemang för att främja könsjämlikhet inom teknikindustrin erkändes 2021 när hon tilldelades priset “Kvinnor som är bra förebilder i Halland.” Hennes hängivenhet är vidare tydlig i hennes aktiva deltagande i WiTEC, där hon fortsätter sin mission att stärka kvinnliga ingenjörer.
Under presentation kommer Ema att belysa hur vår värld, ofta konstruerad av och för män, systematiskt förbiser och försummar behoven och erfarenheterna hos hälften av befolkningen - kvinnor. Genom att använda ett brett utbud av fallstudier, berättelser och ny forskning från hela världen kommer Ema att avslöja de dolda sätten på vilka kvinnor ofta glöms bort inom olika samhällsområden och de potentiellt negativa konsekvenser detta kan ha för oss alla.
Detta är en möjlighet att lära, diskutera och gemensamt utforska hur vi kan göra vår värld rättvisare och mer inkluderande för alla. Vi ser fram emot att ha dig med oss den 24:e oktober och förväntar oss en berikande kväll av reflektion och diskussioner.
Vänligen bekräfta din närvaro senast den 20:e oktober.
Anmäl dig här: https://www.eventbrite.se/e/osynliga-kvinnor-avslojande-av-databias-i-en-varld-anpassad-for-man-biljetter-731195654887?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Do you want to make a difference for girls and women in Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics? Are you a dedicated educator with a proven track record of making a lasting impact on the next generation? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you!
WiTEC is at the forefront of a new ambitious European project with diverse international partners. As a Project Leader, you'll play a crucial role in ensuring the success of this collaborative venture.
The project is between Jan 2024 and Dec 2026 with the purpose to increased understanding about the benefits of integrating artistic, cultural and social science approaches in STEM education, research and innovation and its impact on competitiveness, gender equality and career perspectives.
Your key qualifications:
- Experience in education, preferably of young students.
- Proven project management experience.
- Strong organizational and communication skills in English.
- Cultural awareness and the ability to work with international partners.
- Problem-solving mindset and adaptability.
- Experience from working with children in primary schools
Position Details:
Flexible role, 25-75% commitment based on your experience and availability.
Ready to make your impact with WiTEC?
Send your application to info@witec.se by October 25, 2023.
Read more about us - link to our broschure: https://www.sebroschyr.se/witec/WebView/
It is our pleasure to invite you to a webinar hosted by Silicon Saxony, a METIS consortium member. Join us on Sep 28 at 3pm CEST for a discussion on the EU Chips Skills Alliance.
The goal of the Alliance is to establish a Europe-wide network to enable continuous exchange on skills trends in microelectronics, emerging profiles, and education and training opportunities.
This event is aimed at representatives of companies, educational institutions, research institutes and stakeholders who are committed to the future of the microelectronics industry in Europe and want to help position the industry in the global market and attract talented professionals.
- Alesia Ramanishyna, Silicon Saxony
- Christopher Frieling, SEMI Europe
- Laëtitia Guisot, X-FAB
Find out more about the event https://lnkd.in/e2MwDpPp
Did you know?
The METIS4Skills project advances the growth strategy of the European microelectronics. Learn more: https://lnkd.in/dFczF7C
Coordinated by SEMI Europe, METIS4Skills brings together a consortium of 18 partners from 12 countries, connecting microelectronics industry start-ups, SMEs and large firms with national and EU industry associations, formal educational providers and regulatory bodies in the field of accreditation and certification.
Event #16 Techella Halmstad
AW hos Devoteam med inspiration från WOW - Women on Wednesday
Måndagen den 17 april välkomnas Techella till Devoteam på Brogatan 3 för en Afterwork tillsammans med studentnätverket ADA och WiTEC. Det bjuds på mingel, dryck och pizza.
Från WOW kommer Linda Törner och delger oss den fantastiska historien om Women On Wednesday. Women On Wednesday grundades i Halmstad 2012 som en mötesplats för att bygga relationer mellan migranter och lokala svenska kvinnor. Genom åren har WOW utvecklats till en plattform, där kvinnor från olika bakgrunder, åldrar, socioekonomisk status, religioner och geografiska områden, tillsammans med givare och partners, främjar professionell och social integration. Idag finns det över 1 000 WOW-are tillsammans i 4 städer!
Datum: 17 april
Tid: kl 17:00-19:00
Plats: Devoteam, Brogatan 3, Halmstad
Anmälan sker till techella.halmstad@gmail.com - senast 12 april.
Meddela eventuell specialkost eller allergi.
Ser fram emot att ses hos Devoteam och tillsammans få ta del av WOW:s historia och deras ambitioner för kvinnor med olika bakgrunder.
Varmt välkommen!
#techella #techellahalmstad #womenintech #nätverk
Det blev ett lyckat och givande event hos Devoteam med Techellas, ADA och WOW. Riktigt trevligt att träffa alla! Tack Devoteam för inbjudan så vi på WiTEC kunde dela med oss av våra fantastiska projekt vi bidrar till. En kväll fylld av energi, mat och inspirerande talare!
Posted by Maria Daniela Perez on March 24, 2023
The European Commission, under the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, released a report providing an overview of the main outputs, results and impacts achieved by Blueprints such as METIS for sectoral cooperation on skills to date, as well as their current efforts to build synergies with the Pact for Skills and ensure sustainability.
Introduced in 2016 by the Skills Agenda for Europe, the Blueprints for sectoral cooperation on skills represent a flagship EU initiative to support skills development, upskilling and reskilling. The report showcases the progress made by 21 selected Blueprints that include businesses, trade unions, research institutions, education and training authorities, and public authorities to develop and implement strategies to address skills gaps in specific sectors or ecosystems.
The report notes the successes of METIS which include the strong cooperation between the project and other Blueprints to overcome common challenges and explore the potential for synergies. This is in addition to the relevance of METIS to the implementation of the European Chips Act by focusing on the skills and talent shortage in the semiconductor industry.
You can find the full report here: Bridging projects and Policy: Blueprints for sectoral cooperation on skills
Posted by Maria Daniela Perez on March 21, 2023
The EUROMATH & EUROSCIENCE 2023 and the European STEAME Conference 2023 featured Bernd Deutschmann, Professor of Electronics, Head of Institute of Electronics at the Technical University of Graz, a METIS consortium member, held between 11-15 March 2023 in Kraków, Poland. Bernd was the keynote speaker at the conference and participated in two workshops.
On Sunday, March 12, during the Opening Ceremony of the Conference, Bernd Deutschmann presented a keynote speech on “How the Invention of the Microchip Changed our World”.
Bernd worked in the semiconductor industry on improving the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of integrated circuits between 2000 and 2014. He returned to academia in 2014 and his focus is on the design of electronic systems and integrated circuits with a special focus on their electromagnetic compatibility.
In addition to his speech, Bernd also led two workshops for students at the event titled: “Blinking Lights: Solder your own Circuit”. Learn more about the event at www.euromath.org
by RES4CITY | Mar 3, 2023 | Events, News, Valencia
On March 6th, RES4CITY’s network of European hubs has officially launched in Valencia, Spain.
To promote the work of the RES4CITY project, a network of European hubs has been created in 7 urban areas across Europe. These hubs are based in the following locations:
*Maynooth, Ireland
*Coimbra, Portugal
*Genoa and Sassari, Italy
*Grenoble, France
*Halmsted, Sweden
*Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
*Valencia, Spain
The hubs are designed to drive strategic partnerships between academia, industry, local authorities, and other types of organisations operating in education – in support of RES4CITY. Each of the seven hubs is engaging with local, national and international stakeholders collecting feedback and input for RES4CITY’s micro-programmes.
Our European hubs launch event is open to everyone from students and professors to professionals and companies. Join us on March 6th where you will;
*be introduced to the RES4CITY project, its aims, and objectives
*find out more about the network hubs
*hear from experts during the Green Talks
*participate in the Climate Fresk workshop
*join other attendees for a networking lunch
Register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/entradas-lanzamiento-del-hub-res4city-valencia-green-talks-mural-del-clima-514280164817
In addition, to play your part in upskilling students and members of the workforce in preparation for the green transition, you may become a member of the RES4CITY network by signing up here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/RES4CITY-Network-Registration-Form
What are the Green Talks and the Climate Fresk workshop?
Green Talks are quick fire presentations with the opportunity for the audience to ask questions. At the RES4CITY network launch, attendees will be presented with different perspectives from the RES4CITY hubs and GENERA initiative by five key speakers:
Dr. Carla Montagud-Montalvá, Director of Cátedra Transición Energética Urbana at the Polytechnic University of Valencia
Dr. Fabiano Pallonetto, Professor & Program Director of MSc in Business Analytics at Maynooth University – School of Business
Dr. Henrik Barth, Associate Professor in Innovation Sciences at Halmstad University
Dr. Mattia de Rosa, Professor in Energy and Thermal Engineering at the University of Sassari
Dr. Elisa Peñalvo-López, Scientific Researcher at the Polytechnic University of Valencia
Following the Green Talks, a Climate Fresk workshop will take place.
The Climate Fresk workshop is a scientific, creative, and collaborative workshop designed to raise awareness of climate change in a playful way. With scientific rigour and pedagogy, this tool makes it possible to quickly discover how climate ‘functions’ and the cause-effect of its imbalance. The workshop also provides the keys to understanding how to act effectively and stimulates creativity and group dynamics. By taking part, it will give those attending the opportunity to be empowered and educated on climate change.
VI BEHÖVER DIN hjälp med att kartlägga Mikroelektronikbranschens framtida behov!
WiTEC SWEDEN är som enda svenska verksamhet involverad i att utforma framtidens mikroelektronikbransch i Europa. METIS är ett EU-projekt som har till uppgift att utveckla den strategiska kompetensförsörjningen inom branschen och därigenom förbättra Europas konkurrenskraft. Initiativet har tagits av organisationen SEMI, som arbetar för att främja intresset för global elektronikdesign och dess tillverkningskedja. Projektet finansieras via Erasmus+ och engagerar såväl ledande företag som universitet.
VI BER NU om din insats genom att svara på denna enkät.
Frågorna är på engelska och tar 10-20 minuter att besvara. Länk till enkäten HÄR.
Läs mer om METIS-projektet HÄR , eller på www.metis4skills.eu och www.semi.org/eu
METIS participated in the SEMI Industry Strategy Symposium Europe—ISS Europe, on 15-16 February 2023 in Vienna, Austria. Laith Altimime, President of SEMI Europe, mentioned the efforts that the project has made on involving the key players across the industry, education & training.
On Thursday, February 16, during Session 2: Closing the Talent Gap and Cultivating the Workforce of Tomorrow, Léo Saint-Martin, Associate consultant, DECISION Etudes & Conseil, presented “Skills Needs of the European Microelectronics Industry (METIS Project) Current Situation, Shortage, and Recommendations”.
In his presentation, Léo shared the current state of play of the European microelectronics industry in terms of skills needs: shortages, job profiles, technical and soft skills the most sought-after and summarized the key evolutions since 2020 using data collected within the METIS project. He also discussed the policy recommendations collected within METIS from key European stakeholders to tackle the skills shortage.
Finally, Léo presented the current initiatives ongoing to address the skills shortage: the METIS projects, the EU Chips Skills Alliance, and the Microelectronics Pact for Skills.
Learn more about the event at semi.org/isseurope
The RES4CITY kick-off event took place on 6 October 2022 at Maynooth University.
As part of the event, students, faculty and industry partners joined the RES4CITY partner consortia in celebrating the project’s launch.
Professor Brian Donnellan, Vice President for Engagement & Innovation and Interim Vice President for Research at Maynooth University, and Prof McNamara, Head of the School of Business and incoming Dean of Social Sciences at Maynooth University, participated in the event.
The event feature 17 project partners from across Europe, including the United Nation Training and Research Centre (UNITAR), based in Switzerland, with Mr Alex Mejia, Director of UNITAR’s Division for People and Social Inclusion, presenting at the event.
WiTEC Sweden was represented by Ozana Jaurelius, our project administrator.
Posted by Maria Daniela Perez on January 10, 2023
Posted by Jennifer Read, EMS Now | Jan 10, 2023 | Analysis, Europe, skilled labor shortage, Women in Tech
The EU Chips Act is intended to build regional semiconductor manufacturing capability to support advanced electronics manufacturing. But where will all the skilled workers come from?
METIS (MicroElectronics Training Industry and Skills) was launched in November 2019 as a Sector Skills Alliance on Microelectronics to “bridge the skills gap in microelectronics for a more competitive Europe and to pave the way for EU leadership in data driven technologies, enhancing high-skilled labor supply, addressing emerging skills needs and identifying jobs of the future in the era of connected intelligence.”
A recently released report, based on comprehensive survey results, revealed that 96% of the respondents reported some amount of mismatch between the skills taught in training and education institutions and the needs of the organization. In other words, there is an urgent need for better microelectronic skills training across all institutions. For example, the development of completely new ESCO profiles related to microelectronics, including
- Microelectronics designer => Focus on developing and designing systems, from the top packaging level down to the integrated circuit level. System-level understanding with analogue and digital circuit knowledge, integrating the technology processes. Overall outlook in microelectronic sensor basics.
- Microelectronics smart manufacturing engineer => Microelectronics smart manufacturing engineers design, plan and supervise the manufacturing and assembly of electronic devices and products, such as integrated circuits, automotive electronics or smartphones, in an Industry 4.0 compliant environment.
- Microelectronics materials engineer => Design, develop and supervise the production of materials that are required for microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and can apply them in these devices, appliances and products.
- Microelectronics maintenance technician => In charge of preventive and corrective maintenance in semiconductor manufacturing.
The report goes into detail about the following recommendations:
- Increase the involvement of the microelectronics industry in the education process
- Develop clusters and networks favoring dialog between industry and education representatives
- Communication campaigns to improve the image of the sector
- Sponsor state-of-the-art manufacturing infrastructures
- Shared facilities: large companies, education players, SMEs and research?
- Adaptation to the EU digital compass?
- Develop joint degrees in microelectronics
- Favor intra and extra-EU mobility
Here’s a copy of the complete report. Read the original article at emsnow.com