
2023 > 03

Posted by Maria Daniela Perez on March 24, 2023

The European Commission, under the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, released a report providing an overview of the main outputs, results and impacts achieved by Blueprints such as METIS for sectoral cooperation on skills to date, as well as their current efforts to build synergies with the Pact for Skills and ensure sustainability.

Introduced in 2016 by the Skills Agenda for Europe, the Blueprints for sectoral cooperation on skills represent a flagship EU initiative to support skills development, upskilling and reskilling. The report showcases the progress made by 21 selected Blueprints that include businesses, trade unions, research institutions, education and training authorities, and public authorities to develop and implement strategies to address skills gaps in specific sectors or ecosystems.

The report notes the successes of METIS which include the strong cooperation between the project and other Blueprints to overcome common challenges and explore the potential for synergies. This is in addition to the relevance of METIS to the implementation of the European Chips Act by focusing on the skills and talent shortage in the semiconductor industry.

You can find the full report here: Bridging projects and Policy: Blueprints for sectoral cooperation on skills

Posted by Maria Daniela Perez on March 21, 2023

The EUROMATH & EUROSCIENCE 2023 and the European STEAME Conference 2023 featured Bernd Deutschmann, Professor of Electronics, Head of Institute of Electronics at the Technical University of Graz, a METIS consortium member, held between 11-15 March 2023 in Kraków, Poland. Bernd was the keynote speaker at the conference and participated in two workshops.

On Sunday, March 12, during the Opening Ceremony of the Conference, Bernd Deutschmann presented a keynote speech on “How the Invention of the Microchip Changed our World”.

Bernd worked in the semiconductor industry on improving the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of integrated circuits between 2000 and 2014. He returned to academia in 2014 and his focus is on the design of electronic systems and integrated circuits with a special focus on their electromagnetic compatibility.

In addition to his speech, Bernd also led two workshops for students at the event titled: “Blinking Lights: Solder your own Circuit”. Learn more about the event at www.euromath.org

by RES4CITY | Mar 3, 2023 | Events, News, Valencia 

On March 6th, RES4CITY’s network of European hubs has officially launched in Valencia, Spain.

To promote the work of the RES4CITY project, a network of European hubs has been created in 7 urban areas across Europe. These hubs are based in the following locations:

*Maynooth, Ireland
*Coimbra, Portugal
*Genoa and Sassari, Italy
*Grenoble, France
*Halmsted, Sweden
*Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
*Valencia, Spain

 The hubs are designed to drive strategic partnerships between academia, industry, local authorities, and other types of organisations operating in education – in support of RES4CITY. Each of the seven hubs is engaging with local, national and international stakeholders collecting feedback and input for RES4CITY’s micro-programmes.

Our European hubs launch event is open to everyone from students and professors to professionals and companies. Join us on March 6th where you will;

*be introduced to the RES4CITY project, its aims, and objectives
*find out more about the network hubs
*hear from experts during the Green Talks
*participate in the Climate Fresk workshop
*join other attendees for a networking lunch 
Register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/entradas-lanzamiento-del-hub-res4city-valencia-green-talks-mural-del-clima-514280164817  

In addition, to play your part in upskilling students and members of the workforce in preparation for the green transition, you may become a member of the RES4CITY network by signing up here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/RES4CITY-Network-Registration-Form  

What are the Green Talks and the Climate Fresk workshop?
Green Talks are quick fire presentations with the opportunity for the audience to ask questions. At the RES4CITY network launch, attendees will be presented with different perspectives from the RES4CITY hubs and GENERA initiative by five key speakers: 

Dr. Carla Montagud-Montalvá, Director of Cátedra Transición Energética Urbana at the Polytechnic University of Valencia 
Dr. Fabiano Pallonetto, Professor & Program Director of MSc in Business Analytics at Maynooth University – School of Business 
Dr. Henrik Barth, Associate Professor in Innovation Sciences at Halmstad University
Dr. Mattia de Rosa, Professor in Energy and Thermal Engineering at the University of Sassari 
Dr. Elisa Peñalvo-López, Scientific Researcher at the Polytechnic University of Valencia 
Following the Green Talks, a Climate Fresk workshop will take place.  

The Climate Fresk workshop is a scientific, creative, and collaborative workshop designed to raise awareness of climate change in a playful way. With scientific rigour and pedagogy, this tool makes it possible to quickly discover how climate ‘functions’ and the cause-effect of its imbalance. The workshop also provides the keys to understanding how to act effectively and stimulates creativity and group dynamics. By taking part, it will give those attending the opportunity to be empowered and educated on climate change.

VI BEHÖVER DIN hjälp med att kartlägga Mikroelektronikbranschens framtida behov!

WiTEC SWEDEN är som enda svenska verksamhet involverad i att utforma framtidens mikroelektronikbransch i Europa. METIS är ett EU-projekt som har till uppgift att utveckla den strategiska kompetensförsörjningen inom branschen och därigenom förbättra Europas konkurrenskraft. Initiativet har tagits av organisationen SEMI, som arbetar för att främja intresset för global elektronikdesign och dess tillverkningskedja. Projektet finansieras via Erasmus+ och engagerar såväl ledande företag som universitet.

VI BER NU om din insats genom att svara på denna enkät.
Frågorna är på engelska och tar 10-20 minuter att besvara. Länk till enkäten HÄR. 

Läs mer om METIS-projektet HÄR , eller på www.metis4skills.eu och www.semi.org/eu