if you want to take an active part in WiTEC SWEDEN's operations. Write or call and tell us who you are, what you can and want to contribute. Ask what's going on right now. 

To be a member of WiTEC SWEDEN is to share with each other. Learning from, relearning and learning new things is what we are all passionate about. We offer that to each other! 

Through WiTEC, we can offer our services to other members and partners.
You are welcome to introduce yourself to us and talk about what you can and want to contribute.

As a member of WiTEC SWEDEN, you have the opportunity to post in our newsletter or on the website.

You can introduce yourself, tell about an interesting project you participated in, or share your experiences during your education or professional life. 


Presentation / Post:

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  • We reserve the right to edit the text, but will not publish anything without your consent.
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